Legal notice

Ownership of the Web site

FIRA BARCELONA with an address in Barcelona, Reina Mª Cristina Ave. s/n and bearer of Fiscal Identity Number CIF Q-0873006-A, which is inscribed on Page 7 of Book I of the Official Register of Catalan Trade Fairs, is the owner of the web site firabcn.com (hereinafter referred to as the Web site) which makes it available to Internet users, in order to provide information on the services, congresses, exhibitions and fairs of the FIRA as well as to provide services through the web site.

Communicating FIRA domain names to the corresponding Registers

FIRA states that it has communicated the domain names that are currently in use to the Registry of Trade Fairs in accordance with the provisions of article 9 of Law 34/2002, of 11th July covering E-commerce and Information Society Services.

General Conditions of Use and Acceptance of these

The purpose of these general conditions for the use of the web site together with the general contractual conditions for the services that are provided therein, as well as any other specific conditions that may be established, is the regulation of and provision of information to the users of FIRA BARCELONA services and the regulation of the use of the Web site.

Browsing and using the services of the web site implies the acceptance as a User without any reservation whatsoever, of all the general conditions of use, the general contractual conditions and any others that may exist in relation to the provision of services by FIRA.

FIRA may modify these general conditions as well as the general contractual conditions and the general conditions that are included through the publication of the aforementioned modifications to the web site at any given time and without any prior warning, so that users may be previously aware of them.

General conditions for the use of the website

Personal Data Protection Policy

1.1.- In accordance with the provisions of European Royal Decree on personal Data Protection 679/2016 of 27th April, the User accepts that any data obtained while using the Web Site, or which has been provided through filling out any forms that are contained therein, as well as any data resulting from any possible commercial relations that may take place, may be included in an automated personal data file of the type described above.

During the data collection process, the User shall be properly informed in that part of the Web Site where the data is requested by means of a hyperlink or the inclusion of the information on the actual form itself as to whether the collection of such data is obligatory or not for the provision of services, and he/she shall also be informed of these rights.

1.2.- Rights of the User: With regard to the data obtained, the User may exercise the rights provided for in the aforementioned Royal Decree, and in particular his/her right to access, rectify, cancel or deletion and object to such data, as well as the right to portability and limitation of the processing.

The exercise of the aforementioned rights can be made by postal mail, enclosing a copy of your ID or passport, to FIRA INTERNACIONAL DE BARCELONA, to the postal address Av. Reina Mª Cristina s/n 08004 Barcelona, CRM Marketing Services Department or by email to dpo@firabarcelona.com, with the same documentation as by postal mail.

For any queries regarding the processing of your data you may contact our DPO at dpo@firabarcelona.com

However, you may direct your claims arising from the processing of your personal data to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (www.agdp.es)

1.3.- Security measures: According to the article 25.2 from the aforementioned Royal Decree FIRA BARCELONA has adopted the technical and appropriate measures in order for ensuring that, by default, only personal data which are necessary for each specific purpose of the processing are processed.

1.4.- Cookies: The use of cookies through the web site will be governed by the provisions of the Cookies Policy, accessible at all times from the web site and being part of this Legal Notice.

Industrial and Intellectual Property. Hyperlinks policy

2.1.- All the content included in the Web site and especially brand names, commercial names, industrial designs, designs, texts, photographs, graphics, logos, icons, software or any other signs susceptible to being used industrially and commercially are protected by the industrial and intellectual property rights of THE FIRA or those of the third parties who own them and who have authorized their inclusion in the Web site. Accordingly, any use and/or reproduction of these without the express of THE FIRA is prohibited.

2.2.- FIRA shall not be responsible for infringements of the intellectual or industrial property rights of third parties that might arise as a result of the inclusion in the Web site of brand names, commercial names, industrial designs, designs, texts, photographs, graphics, logos, icons or software belonging to third parties who have declared themselves to be the owners of the same upon their inclusion in the Web site.

2.3.- In no case shall it be understood that the User's accessing and browsing the site implies authorization or renunciation, transmission, total or partial cession of these rights or the concession of any right or the expectation of rights and specifically, the changing, transformation, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication on this content without the express and previous authorization of FIRA or of the corresponding rights holders.

The use by exhibitors of THE FIRA brand names in their catalogues, brochures, commercial documentation, web page or in any other form at the corresponding exhibitions must be expressly authorized by FIRA.

2.4.- No link may be established to the Web site from any other web site without the prior and express consent of THE FIRA.

Any links that are established must be to the main web page of LA FIRA or if applicable, to that page that the FIRA itself indicates, and this link shall be absolute and complete in such a way that it links the User to the FIRA web page which must include the complete content from the main page screen.

2.5.- FIRA shall not be responsible for the content of the web pages that users connect to through links on the Web site, nor shall it be responsible for any infractions of the rights of third parties that these pages may incur.


The User recognizes and accepts that he/she shall be fully responsible for the use of the Web site and its services.

FIRA shall only be responsible for the damages that the User may suffer as a consequence of the use of the web site when this damage is attributable to a fraudulent action of FIRA.

Nevertheless, FIRA declares that it has adopted all the necessary measures, within its possibilities and the state of its technology to guarantee the functioning of the Web site and to avoid the existence and transmission of viruses and other components that might damage Users.

Obligations of the User

The User undertakes to use the content of the web site diligently, correctly and lawfully and he/she also undertakes to refrain from:

a) Using the content for objectives or purposes that are against the law, morality and the correct codes of use and public order.

b) Reproducing, copying, distributing, allowing access to the public through any type of public communication, transforming or modifying content, without the corresponding authorization of the holder.

c) Using the content of the web site to send advertising, communications for the purposes of direct sales or for any other type of commercial purpose, sending unsolicited messages directed at a number of persons for this purpose, as well as abstaining from commercialising or disclosing this information in any way.

Commercial communications

FIRA may send commercial communications by any method that fully respects all in-force legislation that concerns the protection of personal information.

For commercial communications sent by e-mail and in fulfilment of the provisions of Law 34/2002, of 11th July, on E-commerce and Information Society Services, the consent of the User.

At any time the User may withdraw his/her consent to receive personal communications by sending a simple notification of his/her request to FIRA by sending a message to the e-mail address: dpo@firabarcelona.com

Applicable legislation

The relations established between the User and the owner of the Web site are to be governed by the provisions contained in current regulations concerning the applicable legislation and the competent jurisdiction. Nevertheless, for cases in which the regulations foresee the possibility of the parties submitting themselves to a certain jurisdiction, FIRA and the User submit themselves to the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona and expressly renounce any other jurisdiction that might correspond to them.

The regulations of the Spanish legal system shall be applicable in all cases.

General contractual conditions

1.- These General Contractual Conditions together with the specific conditions that, might be established if it were if necessary, shall expressly regulate the relations arising between FIRA BARCELONA and the exhibitors who contract the services offered through the Web site.

2.- These General Conditions have been drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Law 7/1998 on General Contractual Conditions, the Law 3/2014 of 27th March General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, Law 7/1996 of the Retail Trade Act and if necessary by Law 34/2002, for Information Society and E-Commerce Services.

3.- The provision of any of the services of the Web site implies the User's acceptance of each and every one of the General Contractual Conditions, of the General Conditions for the Use of the Web site and if applicable the Specific Conditions governing the provision of the service.

4.- FIRA BARCELONA informs that the procedures to carry out the provision of the services offered are those described in these conditions and those that are indicated on the screen and those which refer to each specific service in a way that the User has access to this information in a truthful, efficient and complete manner at least three days before the contracting of the service, and the User declaring that he/she is aware of and accepts these procedures as being necessary for the provision of the corresponding service.

5.- All the information provided to FIRA during the contracting processes shall be stored in such a way that the User may request information referring to the operations carried out by him/her during the previous three months with these requests always being made via e-mail sent to FIRA.

6.- In order to access services that are provided and offered through this web site, FIRA may provide the User with a User name and a "Password". The User name and Password provided are identifying elements that authorize the user to access the Services of the Web site and they are personal and non-transferable. FIRA may make modifications to these after informing the User, in which case the modified codes shall lose their validity.

7.- All the technical resources that are necessary to access the Web site and provide FIRA services together with any taxes or expenses of any other type arising out of the provision of services shall be the exclusive responsibility of the User.

8.- The contracts signed through this Web site shall be governed by the laws of Spain which shall be applied to aspects that are not covered by these conditions relating to matters of interpretation, validity and attachment.

However, for cases where the regulations foresee the possibility of the parties submitting themselves to a certain jurisdiction or other, THE FIRA and the User submit themselves to the Courts and Tribunals of de Barcelona and expressly renounce any other jurisdiction that might correspond to them.