Elena Fonts

Aixeta Spain
Elena Fonts


Activities | Conferences

A morning of Crowdfunding

Valentí Acconcia
Valentí Acconcia Vanacco Consultor crowdfunding
Emilia Caralt Marques
Emilia Caralt Marques Fundacion migranodearena Directora
Jonàs Sala
Jonàs Sala Verkami CoFounder & Partner
Elena Fonts
Elena Fonts Aixeta
Jordi Solé Muntada
Jordi Solé Muntada Ecrowd! Director d'Operacions
Liz Castro
Liz Castro Aixeta Director
Marc Surís Martí
Marc Surís Martí The Crowd Angel Senior Investment Analyst

12-06-2019 10:00 12-06-2019 13:00 Europe/Madrid A morning of Crowdfunding

Get to know the different types of crowdfunding to start or consolidate your business by diversifying sources of financing: crowdfunding of investment in company shares, with reward, loans and donation. Subsequently there will be a Face2Face with the platforms Migranodearena.org, Verkami, Ulule, E-crowd Invest, The Crowd Angel, Aixeta, Vanacco and Goteo.

Hall 8 - L1 INVERSIÓ
Wed 12 10:00h - 13:00h L1 INVERSIÓ