Fina Rubio Serrano

President | Fundació SURT i Xarxa DDIPAS Barcelona, Spain
Fina Rubio Serrano


Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology. Master in Training of Trainers. Master in Gender and Citizienship studies. President of the Network of Women Directives ans Professionals of the Social Action - DDIPAS. President of the SURT Foundation.


Speech - Catalan | Conferences

Making female talent visible

Maria José Blanco Gutiérrez
Maria José Blanco Gutiérrez Barcelona Activa
Anna Mercadé i Ferrando
Anna Mercadé i Ferrando Observatori Dona empresa i economia de la Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona
Fina Rubio Serrano
Fina Rubio Serrano Fundació SURT i Xarxa DDIPAS President
Joana Amat Amigó
Joana Amat Amigó FIDEM President

13-06-2019 11:00 13-06-2019 12:00 Europe/Madrid Making female talent visible

Despite the progress that has been made in terms of equality, women still find it more difficult to strike a balance between their personal and professional lives than men and continue to suffer from the effects of the wage gap and gender discrimination. What can we do to eliminate these difficulties?

Hall 8 - L3 BASICS
Thu 13 11:00h - 12:00h L3 BASICS